I am currently reading a book called "The Graveyard Book". The story starts with a man named Jack, he just killed three members of a family, and he is looking for the last victim, the fourth and youngest member of the family. Before Jack can even kill the little, young innocent child, the kid ignorantly escapes the house and toddles up the hill into a graveyard. There, he was discovered by many ghost who live in the graveyard. After a debate, a couple of old spirits adopt the boy, naming him Nobody Owens. The man Jack tracks his way up to the graveyard, where he met a graveyard caretaker named Silas told him that there was no toddler in the graveyard and that he should go away. The man Jack at last lost the trail of the little kid. Bod, short for Nobody, discovers and experiences many things as he grows up in the graveyard. He meets supernatural creatures such as: the Hound of Gods, a young witch who was drowned and burned by her people, human-eating ghouls, the mysterious treasure guarding Sleers, and a human girl named Scarlett. Bod learned how to Fade, Haunt, Dreamwalk, and many more things from the spirits in the graveyard and the humans outside of the graveyard. He grows up to be a curios boy and wanting to go meet the man who killed his family.
This sounds like a terrifyingly frightening novel to read! I don't know if I would be able to sleep at night after reading this!
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