Alex Rider, an ordinary fourteen years old boy, who is strongly built, and lives with his uncle, Ian Rider, who works for the Royals & Generals bank. One day, Alex's uncle died in a car accident and now Alex's alone with his maid, Jack. One day, Alex decided to go to find his uncle's car and he realized that it was not the car accident that killed his uncle, it was the holes in his uncle's windows that made Alex suspicious about his uncle's death.
Alex soon discovered that the Royals and Generals bank was not actually a bank, it is a Cooperation called MI6, a company for trained spies to work on missions to captured criminals with evil plans. Ian Rider was shot during his mission to spy on Herrod Sayle, an egyptian millionaire who lives in Port Tallon, England. MI6 had been suspecting Sayle when he said that he is going to give out a Stormbreaker, a state-of the art computer. Now, Alex is send on a mission to disguise as the winner of an event to try out the first Stormbreaker at the Sayle's Enterprise, and there are unexpected troubles that expects him at Sayle's Enterprise. Read the book to find out if Alex can survive the mission or not!